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21 February 2018

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Hello folks!

As winter draws to a close, I find myself reminiscing about our December holiday in Austria. Last year, Christian and I embarked on a family trip, from visiting Salzburg to skiing in BöhmerWald Arena.

Austria had been on my travel wishlist for some time, so when Christian's aunt invited us to stay at her beautiful house in Rohrbach - Oberösterreich, I was thrilled. Rohrbach is a tranquil village, perfect for disconnecting and spending quality time with family. Long walks in the snow and cosy chats on the balcony during tea time were highlights. As I was born and raised in Brazil, snowflakes outside the window feel "exotic" and beautiful to me. 

One of the trip's highlights was driving to Salzburg with Christian, my mother-in-law, and his aunt. The drive through the Austrian mountains, covered in snow, was breathtaking. We explored the Kapuzinerberg for stunning views of the town and Hohensalzburg Castle. Climbing the hills was a bit challenging due to the icy floor, so sturdy hiking shoes are a must in winter.

We continued our tour exploring the traditional shops around Getreidegasse, including Hadered Custom Made Shoes and Lanz Tracht Fashions, dating back to the early 20th century. Visiting Mozart's house was a special experience, especially as my grandma, a piano player, had taught me about his music. Ending the day with hot chocolate at Kaffeehäferl was delightful.

Another memorable day took us to BöhmerWald Arena for cross-country skiing. Despite a few falls, we had a great time thanks to Christian's patient uncle. In the evening, we enjoyed cappuccinos and apfelstrudel at the restaurant of the INNs HOLZ hotel. The traditional Austrian dresses worn by the waiters added to the cosy atmosphere.

Spending quality time with family in Austria was unforgettable. This country has captured my heart, and I hope to visit again soon, perhaps for one of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's New Year's concerts. Goodbye, Mozart's country - until we meet again!

You can see more photos of my trips on Instagram and videos on Youtube

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Activities for your holiday in Austria

Activities for your holiday in Austria

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